Nature holiday

Otepää Nature Park

Address: Kolga tee 28, Otepää linn, Valga County 67405
Contact: (+372) 5186747
Otepää Nature Park is the largest protected area in Estonia (22,430 hectares). It forms the central part of the hilly Otepää Highlands, whose 1180 square kilometres covers 19% of the park. The nature park is located in the northern part of Valga County. You can access all of the nature park, but you must respect your surroundings. Otepää Nature Center is located in the former building of the Pühajärve forest district and there is permanent exhibition of landscapes of the Otepää Upland and the Otepää Nature Park. Visitors can learn about Otepää landscape patterns, the history of landscape changes, conservation of its biodiversity, oral heritage and nature conservation. In addition to the exhibition one can view the slide show "Twelve faces of Otepää" (author: Arne Ader, duration 17 min, in Estonian and English).

Times and prices

Open advance bookings only


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Via Hanseatica