Nuustaku Brewery Bar & Shop & Tasting Room

Address: Tartu maantee 1, Otepää linn, Valga County 67404
Contact: (+372) 53830011
You can always find the best selection of Nuustaku's products - beer, cider, kvass - in the Nuustaku Brewery's tasting room. We also offer draft beer in 1L bottles. The tasting room is a special bar room next to the brewery with a selection of authentic Nuustaku's drinks on tap. On Saturday evenings, the bartender mixes interesting beer cocktails and stronger cocktails. On Friday and Sunday we are open during the day. During the week, you're always welcome when the brewmaster is in the house and when the brewery's doors are open. Feel free to try the door! Try the handmade Rabachips, snacks and pizza with your beer. Our menu can be found on the Nuustaku Brewery website.


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